Monday, August 17, 2009

What to do when you are bored and in your twenties and worried that you are wasting the best years of your life.

When a well educated female in their 20's has a feeling of discontentment, there are five ways to rectify the situation:

1. Travel. The idea of traveling has this super romantic feel, especially when you see pictures of exotic locations posted on facebook by people that you went to high school with but do not actually remember. Clearly, if they have been eating gyro's in the greek isles, they must be happy. Getting up and leaving the mundane lifestyle that is currently consuming your being seems like the perfect solution to mixing things up. However, there are the issues of time, money, and finding somebody as equally bored as you are to plan this impromptu getaway. In actuality, much time is spent online, searching for deals and scouting out locations for this soul searching trip, that will never come to fruition. It gets postponed to a better time that does not exist. In the meantime there is 2.

2. Online Date. Like traveling, a lot of the time spent with online dating is in the set up process. I spent hours perfectly crafting the witty/charming/quirky online profile to meet the the nonreligious/Jewish/Christopher Guest watching/lawyer of my dreams. Pictures were carefully chosen and cropped to get that perfect combination of pretty without trying too hard look, that I obviously tried too hard to create. The moment comes to publish the profile, and pressing that button comes the promise of happiness and possibilities. This is great, unless you live in a geographically undesirable location, where you end up on a date that is the longest 35 minutes of your life. And online profile removed.

3. Go to law school. Like most people in their twenties, I have dabbled with the idea of law school. This is not a new concept, but something that began 3 years ago with an Elle Woods "I think I will go to law school today!" kind of moment. I was at my friend's apt, and she had a LSAT book on her coffee table. I already had plans to take the GRE and the MCAT (grad school is the twenty somethings best friend/arch nemesis) and decided I would take the LSAT too. After I took the exam, I realized I had absolutely no interest in law, or the pursuit there of, and instead chose to get my PhD at a fancy school that makes me miserable. So obviously, every now and then I get the hankering to go to law school (writer confesses a trip to the law school website 2 days ago). I now must ask myself, "do you really want to be a lawyer?" no? go to option 4.

4. Get a hobby. So I'll admit it, I like to collect hobbies. I have a particular penchant for old lady hobbies that have become popular to the stuff white people like generation. ie. knitting. I have an envious collection of 7inch long scarves, in a wide variety of colors. One day I will sew them together to get a Blossom looking masterpiece. That day will probably never come. Hats fit well into my attention span, but holding yarn in the summer does not have quite the same appeal.

In the spring I signed up for a kickball league in my city. For 70 dollars I got to play a gym class game and I got a team Tshirt. I went to one game, missed 4, went to another and will probably never go back again. It turns out I am not really a team sport kind of girl. Even the promise of post game drinking was not enough to lure me out in the heat (seriously, who wears T-shirts in the summer? I might as well be wearing a faux fur coat). There was only one option left.

5. Write a book. Along with the rest of the middle class twenty somethings, I feel like I have a unique voice that must be heard. I will enlighten everybody with my wit and wisdom! I will find my purpose! However, as I know that I will never complete a book, I decided to start a blog. I may or may not be the target demographic for the blog, and this may or may not last more than one post. I did see Julie and Julia, however, and I feel like that qualifies me for this endeavor.

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